The lost art of letter writing

The lost art of letter writing

 *image by Freddy Castro,

We've found some articles to get you started writing letters with some practical tips to follow.

This article by Jon McGregor in The Guardian from a couple of years ago is a thoughtful exploration of letter writing and a project he started with a group of students. It's not surprising he loves letter writing because he is a writer. But for many of us, starting and know what to say and how to say it well can be baffling. To get some of his students who were struggling with the blank page, he started a project which invites readers to write in, and the results were engrossing.

Another article this month in The Guardian explains how the act of writing changes the way you communicate.

This article in Paired Life, a blog about friendships and relationships with others, explains why it's good to write a personal letter.

From a more practical angle, this article in The Balanced Careers, shows you practical tips and examples of letter formats.

To get you started this post on The Art of Manliness blog explains why it's a good thing to do well, and how to do it.

Finally, a good summary for school-aged people on how to write a letter correctly 

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