Shibori Easter eggs

Shibori Easter eggs

Have a poke around Pinterest and you’ll find that Shibori fans have extended their blue dyeing obsession to Easter eggs! 
While I don’t propose using up your precious Indigo on eggs that will be broken open on Easter morning to be poached
or scrambled, they would look rather interesting if they were made for a longer lasting display. For these you would need to blow out the yolks
(try this tip from Martha Stewart) or use artificial – wood or rubber.  The pics of the vase shows how speckled eggs as a vase base for Cherry blossoms could make quite the Easter arrangement.

Thanks to these crafters for their shibori egg inspiration:

Top & wood board:

L to R of 3 in a row:

Left Indigo taped:–cms-20274


Right: Sorry….can’t trace originator.

2nd from Bottom image, geo shapes:


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