Meet the Maker: Debby Weiss - Fibre Artist

Meet the Maker: Debby Weiss - Fibre Artist

Debby Weiss is a textile (fibre) artist who lives in California, USA. She is inspired by Japan and Japanese textiles. 

Her journey to becoming an artist

As a young girl in the 1960’s I learned to sew, crochet, cook and bake with my mother. As i became a teenager I taught myself macrame and would go to Venice Beach and peddle my wares.

In college after a couple years of science I decided to study textile design, at the time battling the internal struggle of craft vs. art and needing to make a living I ended up working in the medical field for 25 years. All the time still creating and making and raising 3 girls on my own.
In 2000 I started a business designing clothes. This took many twists and turns and to this day is still evolving. I never stopped creating with my hands and fibre, embroidery, piecing, stitching, knotting, crocheting and weaving. My pieces have become more art focused and relay messages about the years of life and experiences we accumulate.
I have recently over the past few years had the privilege to show my work.  I love to share my knowledge of craft in my very carefree approach. I work intuitively letting the materials guide me as I make. Nothing is planned but becomes a piece of interest and beauty. These days of making allow for slowing down, observing and finding inner peace.
Where does she find inspiration?
I believe we collect experiences throughout our lives. These experiences mold and change us, they sway our character. When all is said and done we remain the same person, however changed we may seem. Our integrity, our soul, our being that was birthed into this lifetime remains unchanged. Through stitching layers upon layers, I create unity and celebrate life. I make objects of colour and beauty while thinking about what life means to me and what I’ve seen in the world.
This journey began over 50 years ago for me and now I would love to share it with others.
Her interest in Japan
I have been inspired by Japanese art and culture since I was a young girl and made my first trip in 2016. I was able to visit again in 2017 and 2018.
This year's trip was halted due to Covid.
Each year I look forward to meeting new artists, finding amazing textiles, experiencing the beauty and the culture of the country and coming home filled with joy and inspiration. I truly find Japan to be my happy place.
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